Some Bizzare 1985. SBZCD1
Some Bizarre’s second compilation from 1985 is an important musical document, containing as it does seminal tracks from a number of bands, most of which I guess you’d call industrial, who went on to have significant careers. It’s also really strong musically; there really isn’t a duff track here, and it’s quite a CV for whoever their A&R guy was.
The cover is suitably disturbing, although the vinyl issue, which I also have but can’t be bothered to rip is much more interesting:
It includes a number of weird inserts, including a folder printed with “Today’s Government’s Plans Towards Utopia” which contains a blank piece of paper and another sheet which is probably an early attempt at cover art because it includes the album’s original title.
Most of the tracks here are exclusives (Coil for example) , others impossibly rare (The The), so it’s worth having even if you’re only interested in one or two bands.
Here’s a tracklisting (with thanks to Discogs)
Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel – The Only Good Christian Is A Dead Christian 3:27
Cabaret Voltaire – Product Patrol 4:19
Test Dept. – Total Nervous Phenomonom 3:41
Marc Almond – Love Amongst The Ruined 6:36
Psychic T.V. – Twisted 7:57
The The – Flesh And Bones 4:00
Coil – The Wheel 2:42
Yello – The Roxy Cut 4:30
Virginia Astley – Waiting To Fall 3:27
Einstürzende Neubauten – Wardrobe 2:40
Mate – you are off to a flying start! Absolutely excellent posts all around here. Very excited for what’s to come. Cheers!
Thanks Peter, it’s nice to know it’s appreciated.
I’m looking forward to getting my phono stage fixed so I can post more vinyl rips – the guy sorting it is very slooooow.
Hello there. Can someone please re-up? Listening to the vinyl as I type but would like to have digital. Thankee
File is still there.